
We help you to solve the most common doubts

What payment methods do you accept? 

  • We offer you the most widely used online payment methods in Spain (Canary Islands)

Can I cancel my order?

  • You will be able to cancel your order as long as your order has not been confirmed for dispatch. You will need to contact our support team as soon as possible to request cancellation.

Do I have to cover the cost of returning the goods?

  • You are responsible for the cost of returning the goods to our warehouse. Once the goods have arrived, you will be refunded according to your case.

What should I do if my order arrives in bad condition, incorrect or incomplete?

  • Please contact our team at and they will help you to resolve the issue with your order.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

  • You can visit our Prices & Shipping page for estimated delivery times based on your location.

Is it possible to get advice on which packaging is best for my product?

  • We have a large and specialised team that will guide you in choosing the packaging that best suits your product. You can contact us and make an appointment with one of our sales representatives.

Is in-store pick-up available on all islands?

  • The pick-up service is only available in Tenerife. You can make your purchase online and within 24 hours it will be available for pick up from Monday to Friday from 7:30h to 9:30h.
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